@2021 ProLifeImpactFoundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


The Pro-life Impact Fund Advisory Board is selected to provide insight and approve grant proposals as well as establish community relationships within the community (donors, financial professionals, pastors, pregnancy centers and adoption providers).


The mission of PLIF is to galvanize the pro-life movement via marketing, grants and call service. The task of the PLIF Advisory Board is to oversee effective grant making that equips pro-life pregnancy centers and the pro-life movement in general better able to work collaboratively and effectively.


Members are nominated by the founders and other advisory board members and approved by the founders. Membership last 12 months. After review by Options United, membership is renewed with a simple approval of other advisory board members for another 12 months. Outgoing members are tasked with finding their replacement. Members must be passionate about the cause of pro-life and desire to build bridges with the pro-life movement.


Establish and provide guidelines for referral grants and affiliation & franchise projects.

Approve qualified recipients for grants and refer them to Options United and the Christian Foundation of America (CFA).

Find creative ways to build awareness of PLIF within the community and board member’s circles.

Fundraise: Give and Get others to give.


Options United has authority of the foundation while Christian Foundation of America is the legal custodian. PLIF Advisory Board will select the chairman and secretary for the years term with final approval by the Options United board at the next scheduled board meeting. All grant advisory recommendations to CFA will be based on a majority of Advisory Board members present and voting, in person or electronically.

Should the Advisory Board be deadlocked on grant or other recommendations, they would forward their item to PLIF founders first or second to Options United for a tie-breaking determination. Full consensus is sought for grant deliberations to foster a spirit of common cause.

The Advisory Board Charter is approved by Options United (OU) and may be amended. While the PLIF Advisory Board may nominate and self-elect the Advisory Board each year, OU will consider updates to the Charter over time to ensure faithful adherence to PLIF purposes with collaborative representation, including possible future regional representatives in line with the franchise guide of PLIF. Changes to the PLIF purposes is reserved to agreement between CFA and OU. OU and the founders, may, but is not required to seek input from the Advisory Board in advance, should a change to PLIF purposes or Advisory Board Charter be contemplated.


Monthly & quarterly

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