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Ava* was already a mother of three girls. Finding out she was pregnant would not only require sacrifice from her but from her other children as well. She was afraid what the future held for her family.

An internet search on Google lead her to the Options United helpline.

Options United leads a mother to life-affirming pregnancy centers or other resources according to her needs.

However, just through the initial phone call Ava said “I felt a bit of weight come off me. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into but the peace and understanding from Options United helped me feel a bit more calm and something told me that I was going in the right direction.”

It is the initial phone call where a mother feels overwhelmed, lost, or even hopeless. A crisis trained staff member is the foundation of a holistic approach to understanding her situation and leading her to a solution. But what makes the difference is a caring heart the staff has towards those who call into the helpline. Ava described the Options United staff follow up calls “The follow ups I had from Options United were always pleasant. I felt like someone did care about me.”

The life-affirming pregnancy centers also share the commonality of a caring heart. Ava describes her experience at the pregnancy resource center “ I felt welcomed and not judged. They truly cared about me and made sure I had all the information and resources I needed before making a final decision. Seeing the ultrasound really helped me and made me realize I couldn’t do this.”

Through Ava’s experience she not only decided to continue her pregnancy with her beautiful baby but also wants to help other women in similar situations.
“I thank God I came across Options United. The help and the voices I heard will always be in my heart. I don’t know you in person but hope to one day see you. I give you consent to share my testimony and am happy to know the difference that I will be making. I feel so blessed helping other women.”